Subject: Fundamental of Computer
According To
Shaheed Nand Kumar Patel University Raigarh
Unit I
Q.3 How computer has developed for calculation ? Explain.
Q.4 Draw the Block Diagram of a computer and explain the functions of their each units.
Q.5 Explain the details with examples about Analog Digital And Hybride Computers.
Q.6 how many types the digital computers are classified on the basis of their efficiency and size.
Q.7 what is CPU draw its block drive diagram and explain their units.
Q.8 what is processor explain the architecture of Pentium 4 processor with diagram.
Q.9 What is the limitation of microcomputer ?
Q.10 compare between microcomputer minicomputer and mention computer on the basis of size and price.
Q.11 what do you understand by personal computer explain their different types.
What is IBM PC explain pc-xt PC AT and Pentium PC in detail.
Q.12 Explain the following parts of personal computer тАУ motherboard expansion card SMPS samanantar put network card USB
Q.13 what do you understand by the data and information explain the differences
Q.14 what do you understand by data processing explain their different types
Q.15 What do you understand by number text Explain different types of number systems in detail
Q.16 how a decimal number is converted into binary number explain through example.
Q.17 how decimal number is converted into octal number explain by example
Q.18 how decimal number is converted into hexadecimal number explain by example
Q.19 how equivalent decimal number can be found from binary octal and hexadecimal numbers explain by examples
Question 20 how many octal number can be converted into a binary number explain by example
Question 21 how an equivalent octal number can be found from any binary number
Question 22 how hexadecimal number can be converted into its binary equivalent value explain with example
Question 23 how a binary number can be converted into its equivalent hexadecimal value explain by example
Question 24 what is coding system how many coding system are in use
What is BCD code explain
What is ebcdic code explain
What is ASCII code explain
Unit II
Question 1 what do you understand by input device explain in detail the difference popular input devices
Write short notes on following
Keyboard joystick light pen digitiser
Question 2 what is the difference between impact and non impact printers explain different types of printers in detail
Question 3 what is an output device explain in detail the different types
What do you mean by rey tube. Explain types of monitors
Question 4 what do you understand by line printer explain with example
Question 5 write short notes on following OMR scanner MICR obr ocr
Question 6 explain desi wheel printer thermal printer and electrostatic printer
Unit III
Question 1 explain in detail about different storage devices
What do you understand by primary and secondary memory
Explain Magnetic tape and floppy disc
What is hard disk explain
Write short note on CD ROM
Question 2 what do you understand by primary memory give difference between RAM and ROM
Explain RAM in detail what are their type
What is ROM describe their different form
Question 3 distinguish between state and dynamic Ram
Question 4 explain different data storage and retrieval methods
Question 5 write short note cd-r cd-rw VCD cartridge tape
Question 6 write difference between primary and secondary memories Simm
Unit IV
Q.1 what do you understand by computer hardware and software
Q.2 what do you understand by computer software explain their different types.┬а
What are the different between systems software and applications software explain with example
Q.3 What do you understand by single user single tasking & Multi user multi tasking.
who what do you understand by operating system describe their works
Q.4 explain following concepts language processor assembler compiler interpreter and utility program
Q.5 describe different types of operating systems
What do you understand by multi-user and multi-programming
Q.6 or write a short notes on following the clinical program BIOS booting leader diagnostic test
Q.7 what is booting process explain
Q.8 how computer programming languages are classified
And explain the development of computer programming languages
Describe the characteristics of fourth and fifth generation computer languages
Explain machine assembly high level and 4GL languages
Q.9 what do you understand by computer virus explain working and types of virus with example
Q.10 what are the symptoms of virus of affected computer how it can be protected what is antivirus
Unit V
Q.1 what are analog and digital signal explain
Q.2 what is modulation explain different types of modulation
What do you understand with AM FM and PM
Q.3 weтАЩll write short notes on beat rate bout rate bandwidth
Q.4Explain the concept of communication and computer based communication Explain different types of communication in detail
What is serial and parallel communication
What do you understand by Synchronous Asynchronous Communication?
Explain Simplex half duplex and full duplex communication
Q.5 explain in detail circuit switching packet switching and message switching
Q.6 what do you understand by transmission media describe their classification and characteristics
Q.7Comparatively explain the different cable media used in computer networking.
Q.8What do you understand by network Describe the different types of network topologies
What do you understand by lan wan mancomprehension explain in comparison
Q.9What do you understand by computer network Describe the different types of network topologiesWhat do you understand by computer network Describe the different types of network topologies
Explain bus ring and star topology
Write a short note Tree Topology Mesh Topology
Q.10 what are the network connectivity devices explain different network connectors in details
Write short notes on following modem repeater hub bridge router sweater router gateway
Q.11 explain development and architecture of internet
Q.12 describe the architecture of Internet and their characteristics advantage and disadvantages
Question 13 what is TCP IP Protocol explain in detail
Q14 what is an Nos
Question 15 explain dial up connection
Question 16 explain Leasesd line connection
Question 17 what is ISDN explain
Question 18explain broadband connection
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